David Mann is a story specialist who teaches leaders and attorneys how to make an impact by clarifying their message. He has combined his decades of experience as an actor, director, and playwright with the needs of attorneys and business leaders to help them win cases for their clients and grow their businesses.
David has taught story construction and presentation to lawyers nationwide for over a decade. He has worked with plaintiff and defense teams to develop their stories for trial and oral argument in matters ranging from medical malpractice to trade secret theft and securities fraud. He has taught at Loyola School of Law in Chicago since 2012, and he has created innovative programs for the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA).
As a story specialist, David has helped lawyers find, build, and tell a persuasive case story in the following matters: securities fraud, personal injury, medical malpractice, sexual assault, defamation, trade secret theft, and wrongful termination. He has served as consultant on both plaintiff’s and defense sides to craft openings, closings, witness examinations, oral arguments in motion practice.
In 2012, David created a unique, specialized course for Loyola School of Law in Chicago that is focused expressly on story construction and presentation for court. The two-credit course is two full days in length, and David has taught it over 30 times. He has also created a similar program for NITA that has been offered as both a live course and an online program.
Legal Bio
David has presented his full-day, six-hour CLE program in 14 states. The program provides lawyers with the tools they need to construct persuasive case stories, create concise opening statements, and to present them with lasting impact. David has also been the keynote speaker for state bar conferences nationwide, and he has presented shorter versions of his program in Canada and Northern Ireland.
Representative Client List
Alston & Bird
Warner Norcross
Baker McKenzie
Borden Ladner Gervais (BLG)
Faegre Drinker
Shook, Hardy, & Bacon
Fish & Richardson
Gordon Rees
Hinshaw & Culbertson
Hunton Andrews Kurth
Loeb & Loeb
Robins Kaplan
Larson King
Miller Johnson
Pomerantz Law
Greene Espel
Fellerman & Ciarimboli
Loyola School of Law, Chicago
US Securities & Exchange Commission
US Marines Special Forces
US Department of Justice
US Department of Labor
California Dept. of Transportation
Academy of Trial Lawyers of Allegheny Co.
Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan
The Gault Center
Hillman Advocacy Program
LSU Law School
Washoe County District Attorney
MN Defense Lawyers Assn.
Pennsylvania Bar Assn.
Georgia State Bar
Alaska State Bar Assn.
State Bar of Nevada
New Jersey State Bar Assn.
Wyoming State Bar
Illinois State Bar Assn.
State Bar Assn. of North Dakota
Missouri Bar
State Bar of Michigan
Massachusetts Bar Assn.
Arkansas State Bar Assn.
Minnesota State Bar Assn.
Indiana State Bar
Ohio State Bar Assn.
Lancaster Bar Assn.
Law Society of Northern Ireland
Law Society of Manitoba